Monday, January 19, 2015

2 Years

My anniversary in Ecuador (2 years) came and went a few days ago without all the pomp and circumstance and thought I gave it last year. Life has just become so normal. I don't count up the days I've been here nor do I count down to leaving. I'm in this uncertain, in-between state, not ready for what's to come, but starting to feel the end of what's been. A ship between ports. I'M ON A METAPHORIC BOAT, y'all!

We had our "Close of Service Conference" last week, talked about future endeavors (including bs like resume building and networking), planned our goodbyes, and processed the last two crazy years. I only cried once, briefly, which is clear proof that I'm in denial. (It's not just a river in Egypt.) I refused to say goodbye to the other volunteers because we're trying to plan a final party in February, but really because I'm not ready. I just started to write out how much they mean to me, got choked up, erased it, and thought "I'll do it later", as I've done with so many things in the past couple weeks.

As an ode to the last two years, this is my comprehensive "firsts" list. It's not in any particular order and I'm sure there are things I forgot to include, but this is some of the ish I've done in the past 2 years:
  • saw fireflies
  • went ziplining
  • milked a cow
  • lived abroad
  • ate pig foot soup
  • made out under a waterfall
  • attended a quinceañera
  • told a funny story in another language
  • gave away/sold almost all my stuff
  • pet a monkey
  • vomited sober
  • adopted another family as my own
  • took a bucket shower
  • ate guinea pig
  • used a squat toilet
  • fed butterflies
  • discovered my love for chicken neck
  • fell in love in a weekend
  • bartered
  • watched bullfighting and sheepfighting
  • went to a dog show
  • saw a volcano erupt
  • shot strangers in the face with foam (Carnaval)
  • danced in a parade
  • binge watched Netflix for over 5 hours
  • rode on "la bestia" behind a speed boat
  • became a godmother 
  • pet a llama
  • stool samples
  • shared a glass with hundreds of people
  • rode a horse
  • was interviewed on TV news and in 3 newspapers
  • danced salsa and bachata until the bar closed
  • ate alpaca
  • hiked for 4 days
  • got stood up
  • rode a bus for over 12 consecutive hours
  • visited 2 new countries
There you have it. Some of it's awesome and some of it is not pretty, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. And writing it all down makes me appreciate it that much more. I know it's not over yet and I shouldn't jinx it but I've been incredibly lucky so far. I have friends who have been held at gunpoint or have had their entire houses cleaned out and robbed. Friends who've had worms, several times. During the medical exam part of the final conference, we went through my whole chart and it read something like this: "diarrhea, diarrhea, mild bronchitis, diarrhea, dog bite, annnd diarrhea". That's a pretty successful two years, if you ask me! Although, the dentist did tell me I have Class 1 Gingivitis because my gums bled when he poked them really hard several times with what was basically a tiny metal shank. I call BS but I'm still flossing every night.

I'll be updating (too) soon with some kind of final wrap-up. Until then, friends, don't be afraid to try new things and don't forget to floss.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring.

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