Sunday, January 27, 2013


This event started and ended pretty awkward but was awesome in between. My host dad’s sister was turning 15 so the family had the huge, traditional birthday party. My host mom had told me about it a week in advance and said that we would just go for a couple hours to be polite but she didn’t want to stay for long. I was okay with this as I knew I was going to stand out like a sore thumb. The night before, we went shopping and made “bocaditos”, which are little candies that are handed out during the party. We stayed up late Friday night working on them and then finished them on Saturday morning. This was really fun and both Sonia and Javier and I made them together.

On the day of the party, Sonia said we would go around 4:00 so during the day, I wanted to find a payphone to finally call home. We were making the bocaditos when 5 family members showed up at the house and everything became hectic. So now Sonia had more errands to run for the party and she was going to drop me off at the payphone place and come back in 20 minutes. So I couldn’t make all the calls I wanted to and the calls I did make were very expensive. We headed back home and got ready and then Javier’s stepdad was picking us up, so we were leaving by 3:00 but Ayllen’s dress wasn’t ready and neither was Sonia’s pair of pants, so we get to a church (which I didn’t know was involved) and Sonia and Ayllen waited in the car for their clothes and I was sent inside. So I participated in this whole Catholic mass by myself when Javier comes in at the end and hands me the baby and a cell phone and tells me how to use the cell phone if needed. He didn’t explain what was happening, so when the mass was over, Sonia and Javier were gone and I had their baby. Apparently they needed to go to the party venue to set up. So some family member drove me there and the party commenced. For a split second, I thought they were giving me their baby…forever.

The party was really fun, muy chevere (very cool). We had a lot of food, really yummy cake, and everyone danced the whole night. This party seemed more like a wedding reception, with various traditions like choreographed dances and the birthday girl has a little group of friends like a bridal party. They like to drink. A lot. So they get a bottle and a cup and they walk around the party pouring a cup or a shot of whatever they have and handing it to each person one-by-one. I was advised not to share this communal cup (because if 1 person has diarrhea, the whole party will have diarrhea, or more likely the only gringa at the party because she has a sensitive stomach). So I had my own cup and a beer (the national beer is called Pilsener and they make it in this huge factory near my house and sell it EVERYwhere). I danced a little bit with my host parents and with this silly old man who danced really crazy, but the most fun song was Gang Nam Style- everyone here knows the dance too, and they played it twice. 

We stayed until midnight and ended up getting home close to 1am. Funny how a couple hours turned into 9, but I really didn’t mind because it was a lot of fun. At the end, when Ayllen was asleep and Sonia was really tired from serving all the food, we sat around from 11 to 12 looking for a way home. The plan was that one of the young men was going to drive people home in his dad’s car, but all the young people got drunk and all the old people got really drunk. So we were looking for sober people for so long! And we ended up just calling a cab. Sonia and Javier apologized profusely but I still really didn’t mind because at this point, people had started making drunk speeches and walking around leaning on each other and being silly. Sonia and Javier ask a lot about if things are the same at home and they asked about the party. I was telling them that the style of the party is quite different but the results are pretty much exactly the same. Partying is pretty universal.
Now it’s Sunday morning and we all got to sleep in! Now I’m going to see if I can help with breakfast. I don’t know what we’re doing today but I’m sure it will be awesome, as usual.
Thank you for reading and thank you for partying.

 The party tent
 A recuerdo de la fiesta

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